Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #581

It's not always DNS

This week we’re talking about DNS with Paul Vixie — Paul is well known for his contributions to DNS and agrees with Adam on having a “love/hate relationship with DNS.” We discuss the limitations of current DNS technologies and the need for revisions to support future internet scale, the challenges in doing that. Paul shares insights on the future of the internet and how he’d reinvent DNS if given the opportunity. We even discuss the cultural idiom “It’s always DNS,” and the shift to using DNS resolvers like OpenDNS, Google’s and Cloudflare’s Buckle up, this is a good one.


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Alex R

Alex R

2024-03-13T14:00:40Z ago

I heard the project name of “personal dns firewall” & that it was Tom burns, but what was the website he mentioned for the personal dns firewall? I couldn’t understand his audio (besides that it was a .com) after looping back through it like 10 times, so I figured I’d just post here & ask 😅. Plus if I had issues hearing it I’d imagine others would, so it wouldn’t hurt to have it at least in the comments 🙃

Awesome episode though, I really loved hearing about the internet’s past, super cool! 😁

So many other comments about things I enjoyed, but I figure it’s better to not make this a huge post 😅

BTW, since I haven’t commented for a while I love the new podcasting 2.0 (P2.0) integrations the team has done! Chapters are awesome & the comments via are really cool to see directly in the app!

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