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Johnny Boursiquot

114 episodes

Go Time Go Time #262

How Go helped save ♻️

2023-01-12T22:45:00Z #go 🎧 17,426

Paul Smith (from “Obama’s Trauma Team”) tells us the tale of how Go played a big role in the rescuing and rebuilding of the website. Along the way we learn what the original team did wrong, how the rescue team kept it afloat during huge traffic spikes, and what they’ve done since to rebuild it to serve the people’s needs.

Changelog Interviews Changelog Interviews #504

Building actually maintainable software ♻️

2022-09-02T20:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 37,433

This week we’re sharing the most popular episode of Go Time from last year — Go Time #196. We believe this episode was the most popular because it’s all about building actually maintainable software and what goes into that. Kris Brandow is joined by Johnny Boursiquot, Ian Lopshire, and Sam Boyer. There’s lots of hot takes, disagreements, and unpopular opinions.

This is part two of a three part mini-series led by Kris on maintenance. Make sure you check out Go Time #195 and Go Time #202 to continue the series.

Go Time Go Time #245

Inside GopherCon

2022-09-01T16:00:00Z #go +1 🎧 17,097

Ever wondered how GopherCon came to be, and how it’s put together every year. In this show we will be chatted with Erik St. Martin, who has been there from the start about how GopherCon came to be, how this year’s conference came together, as well as why events like GopherCon as so great!

We are joined by Erik St. Martin, GopherCon Organizer and Co-Author Go in Action.

Go Time Go Time #242

The pain of dependency management

2022-08-11T17:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 19,260

Baruch Sadogursky (Chief Sticker Officer at JFrog) joins Natalie & Johnny to lament the current state of dependency management in Go and other languages. They discuss the problems dependency managers face, possible technical mitigations like SBOMs, people problems that will never be solved by tech, and take questions from listeners in the #gotimefm channel of Gophers Slack.

Go Time Go Time #240

What's new in Go 1.19

2022-07-28T18:35:38Z #go 🎧 20,461

Go 1.18 was a major release where we saw the introduction of generics into the language as well as other notables such as fuzzing and workspaces. With Go 1.19 slated to come out next month, one has to wonder what’s next. Are we in store to be blown away by new and major features like we saw in 1.18? Not exactly but there are still lots of improvements to be on the lookout for.

Joining Mat & Johnny to touch on some of the most interesting ones is Carl Johnson, himself a contributor to the 1.19 release.

Go Time Go Time #237

Go tooling ♻️

2022-07-07T18:30:00Z #go +1 🎧 19,970

We’re talking about the tools we use every day help us to be productive! This show will be a great introduction for those new to Go tooling, with some discussion around what we think of them after using some of them for many years.

Go Time Go Time #232

The myth of incremental progress

2022-06-02T18:20:00Z #go +1 🎧 21,328

During a conversation in the #gotime channel of Gopher Slack, Jerod mentioned that some people paint with a blank canvas while others paint by numbers. In this 8th episode of the maintenance series, we’re talking about maintaining our knowledge. With Jerod’s analogy and a little help from a Leslie Lamport interview, our panel discusses the myth of incremental progress.

Go Time Go Time #229

What to do when projects get big and messy

2022-05-12T16:45:00Z #go +1 🎧 20,184

Another entry in the maintenance series! Throughout the series we’ve discussed building versus buying, building actually maintainable software, maintaining ourselves, open source maintenance, legacy code, and most recently Go project structure. In this 7th installment of the series, we continue narrowing our focus by talking about what to do when projects get big and messy.

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