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Nick Nisi

Omaha, NE · Twitter · GitHub · Website
164 episodes

JS Party JS Party #244

The spicy React debate show 🌶️

2022-09-23T18:30:00Z #react +1 🎧 19,892

We’re back with another spicy YepNope debate! This time, Amelia and KBall are arguing that there’s real value to (continue) using React in 2022, while Amal and special guest (and author of the post which stemmed the whole debate) Josh Collinsworth argue that React’s time leading innovation has passed. Of course, the stance each panelist is taking is assigned ahead of time. Is that how they really feel? Tune in and find out!

JS Party JS Party #229


2022-06-10T16:00:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 19,747

KBall, Ali & Nick explore a new type of segment: “WTFJS” talking about wild and wooly “it’s not a bug it’s a feature” examples in the JavaScript language. They also dive into code maintainability, and end by discussing the whiplash shift in the tech industry from “hottest market for engineers in history” to “oh noes everything is stopping!”

JS Party JS Party #226

The third year of the third age of JS

2022-05-20T16:30:00Z #javascript +2 🎧 17,948

In 2020, Shawn (swyx) Wang wrote:

Every 10 years there is a changing of the guard in JavaScript. I think we have just started a period of accelerated change that could in thge future be regarded as the Third Age of JavaScript.

We’re now in year three of this third age and Swyx joins us to look back at what he missed, look around at what’s happening today, and look forward at what might be coming next.

JS Party JS Party #222

The Type Annotations proposal

2022-04-22T16:10:00Z #typescript +1 🎧 18,081

Daniel Rosenwasser and Ryan Cavanaugh from the TypeScript team at Microsoft join Nick and Boneskull to catch us up on the latest happening with the TypeScript project, including what’s exciting in the new 4.7 beta release. Then, we dive deep into the new, TC-39 stage 1 Type Annotations proposal, what it is, and what it means for the future of a not really typed JavaScript!

JS Party JS Party

This is JS Party!

JS Party is a weekly celebration of JavaScript and the web so fun is at the heart of every episode.

We play games like Frontend Feud… (clip from episode #192)

Discuss and analyze the news… (clip from episode #213)

Explain technical concepts to each other like we’re 5… (clip from episode #195)

Debate hot topics like should websites work without JS? (clip from episode #87)

Interiew amazing devs like Rich Harris and Una Kravets… (clip from episode #167)

This is JS Party! Listen and subscribe today.

We’d love to have you with us. 💚

JS Party JS Party #216

Enabling performance-centric engineering orgs

2022-03-11T18:30:00Z #javascript +1 🎧 20,458

This week Amal and Nick are joined by Dan Shappir, a Performance Tech Lead at Next Insurance, to learn about enabling a performance-first mindset within your engineering org.

Dan recently left his 7+ year tenure leading performance at Wix where he and his team improved, and monitored the speed of millions of websites around the world.

Join us to learn how he lead a cultural transformation that propelled Wix sites to be faster than most other React apps in the wild - including ones built with frameworks like Next.js.

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